I advise public bodies on the design and practice of risk regulation, and on the communication of risk and uncertainty to various stakeholder groups.
I lead empirical research, and notably experimental studies, on uncertainty and risk communication.
I research risk-based regulation and the manner it is implemented, with particular emphasis on the role of emerging technologies and the tools they provide for processing compliance data and assigning risk scores to regulated entities.
6 years as full member of the Centre for the Regulation of Risk and Regulation (CARR) at the London School of Economics
Selected projects
Review of the Health impacts of Plant Protection Products - Study for the UK Department for Environment, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Project director)
Communicating risk: Rapid Evidence Assessment - Study for the UK Food Standards Agency (Project director)
Communicating scientific uncertainty in advice provision to decision makers - Study for the UK Joint Nature Conservation Committee (Project director)
The Clear Communication Index and Uncertainty - Study for the European Food Safety Authority (Project manager)
EU Insights: Chemical mixtures - Study for the European Food Safety Authority (Project director)
EU Insights: Consumer perceptions of emerging risks in the food chain - Study for the European Food Safety Authority (Project director)
EU Insights: Perceptions on the human health impact of antimicrobial resistance - Study for the European Food Safety Authority (Project director)
Selected peer-reviewed publications
Making sense of inter-organizational ‘safe spaces’ in business regulation - CARR Discussion Paper n°79, 2015, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Can safe spaces contribute to business regulation? - Risk & Regulation, Summer 2015, London School of Economics and Political Science
Harnessing motives for disaster prevention - Risk & Regulation, Summer 2010, London School of Economics and Political Science
Knowledge transfer in organisational reliability analysis: from post-accident studies to normal operation studies - Safety Science 2008 46(10): 1420-34
Reorganising public oversight of high-risk industries in France: a reliability analysis of permitting - Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 2007 15(3): 144-156